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The "Azienda Agricola Il Mulinaccio" is carryng out its production following strictily organic methods: our oil, honey, and all other products are produced in deep respect of nature and tradition.

Our products are certified by ICEA EEC reg 2091/92

Whenever and wherever possible, all the material used by farmers and authorized staff, is produced by recycled or discarded material: nothing is wasted or handled but only what is strictly neccessary. These procedures make sure that our products neturally comply with tradition and ancient flavours, even to detritment of production, which is therefore extremely small but of great value. All our products are put on the market only after careful quality control and tasting made by skilled staff: if and when above controls are got through each product is numbered one by one and put on the market.



Olio Exteravergine d 'oliva

The oil obtained from pressing of the olives can be divided into three big catergories: extravergine d'oliva, vergine and lampante.


The oil extravergine is the highest expression of quality: it is obtained from the pressing of the olives which are not subumitted to any process yet, but only simply flushed out. Our olives are checked up by specialized farm-worker, taken to the mill to get pressed within 24 hours, crushed with millstones and the oil extraction carried out thru centrifugation.
This thorough and strict procedure is brought forth to integrally preserve and guarantee the salutary power and the original flavours mof the produce. Our oil is the final result of a mixture of olives: Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo, Pendolino.


The quality and the genuineness of the honey are peculiarities obtainable only trough a healty nourishment of the bees, producers of this precious nectar. That is why our "worker-bees" are not geting any sugar and theyr bee-hives are situated iin areas with no-treated flowers and with no source pollution. Particular care is giving to the structure of each hive-bee, strictly made of wood; to its cleaning and to honey extraction with smoke avoiding any chemicals. To remove eventual wax residual, after the extraction, the honey is being left to clear for some days and, with no heat treatment, is being manufactured exactly as it arrives on your table.